The OPTIONS method represents a request for information about the communication options available on the request/response chain identified by the Request-URI.
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Sounds like pretty helpful HTTP method to use and implement, especially for the REST API. Unfortunately, not many people decide implement it for
their own API. I think partly we should thank for this our web frameworks and libraries. In past I tried to implement generic OPTIONS method
handler in many different frameworks (like Play, Unfiltered
or some java frameworks), but unfortunately my experience was very frustrating to say the least (I really don’t want to write this logic manually for every single resource in my API). In most cases you ether required to use reflection
or speculatively try all methods against routing black box in order to find out which HTTP methods are handled and which are not.
akka-http is the first HTTP library in my experience that
provides right set of abstractions for this problem. I was able to implement Options handler with it in very natural way and in just few lines
of code, so without further ado let me show you how it works. Feel free to contact us whenever you require coding homework help.
As a follow-up to the post about Scaldi Play integration I would like to introduce you an integration with the Akka in this post.
Akka integration is pretty recent addition to scaldi and interestingly enough has not much to add to the core library in order to smoothly integration with the Akka. In order to use it you need to add scaldi-akka to the SBT build, so let’s do this first:
This weekend I was continuing my work on the next version of Scaldi. Once again I faced the problem that was bothering me quite some time. In Scaldi you can inject a dependency with something like this:
val server = inject [HttpServer]
In this case inject method will get HttpServer class as a type argument and everything works as expected. But what would happen if you forget to specify the type or you just defined the type of the server but don’t provide it explicitly to the inject method? Will it even compile or maybe type inference will be able to figure out the type?
val server = inject
val server1: HttpServer = inject
Unfortunately, in both cases it will compile, but the inferred type would be Nothing. It appears to be a known problem and it will not be fixed. Ideally I would like to see a compilation error in this case, so I started to look for a solution. After some time I actually was able to find the way to prevent Nothing inference and, by taking this idea even further, found a way to define type constraints in a very generically in the method signature. They will allow you, for example, to describe union types with (T =:= String) Or (T =:= Int) or even more complex rules like (T <:< Color) And Not[T =:= Color] And Not[(T =:= Yellow.type) Or (T =:= Blue.type)].
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In this post I would like to make small introduction to Scaldi and show you how easy it is to use it together with Play. Scaldi is dependency injection library for Scala. It’s very lightweight (without any dependencies) and provides nice Scala DSL for binding dependencies and injecting them. It’s more dynamic approach to do dependency injection in comparison to the cake pattern, because not everything is checked at the compile time. This can be seen as an disadvantage, but I personally believe, that there is place for this approach. It can be vary useful in many circumstances and many people can find it more natural (and easy), especially if they are coming from Java background.
There are only 3 most important traits that you need to know, in order to make dependency injection with Scaldi:
Injector - it’s a container for the bindings, that you have defined in the module.
Module - gives you nice syntax to create bindings with bind and binding. Module also extends Injector trait and implicit Injector instance always available when you are defining your bindings
Injectable - the only responsibility of this trait is to provide you with inject function (so it just provides nice syntax for injecting dependencies). It’s important to understand, that it’s the only the purpose of it. So it completely stateless and knows nothing about actual bindings you have defined in the module. In order to actually find and inject dependencies, inject function always takes an implicit parameter of type Injector
With introduction of string interpolation in Scala 2.10 we finally got a feature, that many modern languages already have. What made me extremely exited though, is the fact, how good this feature was integrated into the language and how customizable it is. In this post I would like to show you some examples of it. I will not concentrate on explaining how exactly it works, but instead I will show you one very cool application of it, which I found recently. It combines string interpolation with regular expressions. What is especially interesting is the way you can use it in the pattern matching expressions.
It is something that I wanted to be able to make for a long time and actually found one way to implement with type Dynamic. That solution was a little bit crazy and looked like something that you normally will never use in real projects. Now I’m happy to show you solution that is actually looks nice (at least for regular expressions). I also want to notice that things I would like to share with you are shamelessly stolen from (were inspired by) this video introduction to Scala 2.10 features by Adriaan Moors and this answer at StackOverflow by sschaef. I want to thank authors for giving me inspiration and educating me :)
Recently I gave introductory tech talk about Scala at my company. The target audience were mostly Java developers. So I tried to give some impression about Scala that, from one hand, tries to explain basics, but from other hand, tries to motivate people to learn Scala further.
Presentation consists of two parts, which I believe are very important for any project and team:
Language features - Scala has a lot of them, so I tried to show highlights and made some comparisons to Java
Scalability - it can be viewed from different perspectives, so I tried to show some of them
In Scala 2.10 class Dynamic would be enabled by default, so I think that it’s the right time to look at it in more detail. This class can be used for many different purposes. I think, that an integration with dynamic languages is the most obvious one, but I would like to show you something different. I will demonstrate you how to create parameterizable extractors, that can be parametrized directly within case expressions.
Class Dynamic works very similar to Ruby’s method_missing or Groovy’s methodMissing/propertyMissing. So you can call non-existing methods on classes that extend Dynamic. Such calls would be rewritten by compiler to following method invocations: applyDynamic, applyDynamicNamed, selectDynamic, updateDynamic. I will describe each of these methods in the next sections.
In this blog post I would like to show, how you can implement simple monitoring capabilities for standard Java’s InutStream and OutputStream. By “monitoring capabilities” I mean ability to find out information like Speed, Estimated Time, Transfered Size, etc. Recently I implemented this for our internal deployment tool (simple Swing-based application written in Scala). After about 30 minutes of googling without much success, I actually tried to think about this and found out how simple it actually is. So I decided to share this with you. Additionally I also want to give you small demonstration of scala-swing which I’m enjoying a lot.
After reading this article you will find out how you can write application like this one:
Scalaz is very interesting Scala library. It can be pretty scary when you first look at it and at examples of it’s usage. I also find, that at the beginning, advantages of this library are not very obvious. So at some point I asked myself: why are people so enthusiastic about it? So I started to learn it, but found that it’s hard to find any resources that are targeting beginners - people who are new to Haskell, Category Theory, or advanced Scala features like Type Classes or Higher Kinds.
In this post I want to summarize all resources I found about scalaz or related to scalaz that are actually approachable by beginners, whether they need coding or programming ethics assignment help. I started with question at StackOverflow where I received many good answers. I also noticed, that this question was pretty popular, so I decided to write this post where I can summarize the answers and maybe add something more.
I personally believe that even if you don’t completely understand every aspect of scalaz yet (I’m definitely not), it still can help you to write a better code. As far as I can can see, it helps to write more composable, reusable and side-effect free code. But in order to use it, you need to understand some key concepts that it heavily relies on. So let’s start with …
Recently I created home page for my project Scaldi. I wanted to make it for a long time, but from the other hand I don’t want to spend much time finding some hosting and maintaining its infrastructure, making page design, etc. Github page is nice, but still I would like to have somethng more simple and unique as a project’s front page. So my main goals were:
Use very nice feature of Github - gh-pages to host my pages
Use markdown to create my pages without spending much time making page design
Design that comes out-of-box should be clean and pretty
Integrate pages generation and publishing in SBT build process